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Certified Speaker, Trainer & Coach for First Time Managers through Executives

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Lead with Confidence
& Inspire Growth

Best Self Leadership partners with leaders at every stage of their leadership journey to support intentional leadership design, development and deployment.

Gain Leadership Expertise and Insights

Generate New Ideas and Perspectives

Foster a Learning Culture in Your Business


Maximizing our leadership potential happens when a partnership founded on trust is created to fine-tune our leadership skills, assist with the unique challenges leaders face and enhance self-awareness to build stronger relationships and teams.


Let’s contribute to the growth and success of your organizations by addressing specific challenges and empowering leaders to perform at their best.

Hi, I'm Sarah Fecht

I love fostering learning, addressing specific needs, and contributing to organizations’ overall growth and success. With 20+ years of valuable expertise, inspiration, and skills development to organizations, I’m ready to tackle your unique challenges.



What Clients Say

”We received really great feedback regarding your presentation and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to connect and learn more about you! I’m sure you hear this all the time, but you have such a great personality and come off as such a ray of sunshine. I can see why you picked the career you did! 😊”


~ President of Company

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